
This page lists some of the many resources available for clinical neuropsychologists and trainees who aspire to become board certified.

AACN & APPCN Joint Scholarships for ABPP

AACN and APPCN offer a joint scholarship program to support candidates working toward Board Certification in Clinical Neuropsychology through the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP).

Be Ready for ABPP in Clinical Neuropsychology (BRAIN)

This study-support network provides free study materials, a list-serve for applicants, and coordinated study groups.

Board Certification Fact Sheet

Dispels 10 common myths about board certification through ABCN and highlights why one should become board certified in clinical neuropsychology.

Candidate’s Manual

This is the official description of the board certification process, accompanied by forms used by examiners so that you can see how you are being evaluated.

Board Certification in Clinical Neuropsychology: A Guide to Becoming ABPP/ABCN Certified Without Sacrificing Your Sanity

The authors demystify the ABCN board certification process and provide specific guidance, tips, recommendations, and direction for neuropsychologists ready to pursue board certification through ABCN.

Clinical Neuropsychology Study Guide and Board Review

Provides an easy to study volume with sample questions and recommended readings that are specifically designed to help individuals prepare for the ABCN written examination.

Funding and Grants

The ABPP Foundation offers awards and scholarships to help defray the expense of board certification.

Mentorship Program (Sponsored by AACN)

Candidates who have had their credentials accepted by ABPP/ABCN to proceed with the examination process have the opportunity to request a mentor to help them prepare for the various steps. Mentors are board-certified (ABCN) neuropsychologists who have agreed to donate a limited portion of their time to assist candidates in preparing for the written examination, select cases for work samples, and conduct mock oral exams. Although not required in order to sit for any of the components of the board certification process, the assistance of a mentor may be of considerable help to candidates.

The Neuropsychology Fact-Finding Casebook

24 fact-finding case exercises broken down into steps for independent evaluation process training and comprehension.

Pediatric, Child Clinical, and Lifespan Development Factsheet

An overview of what the AACN has done for clinical neuropsychologists who work with children.

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